Ariete Steakhouse Grill
July 10, 2013
By: Chris Troy

Ah, meat. Steak. Rare and cooked to perfection. That’s the way it was meant to be. We’re carnivores after all. It’s time to embrace the reality and understand that guys don’t like to grill because it’s cool; we like to grill because that’s what men have been doing for thousands of years. First it was over the open fire, then the outdoor grill. Now evolution has finally taken another step and brought that grill inside.
Not entirely a new concept (Louis Lunch, inventor of the hamburger, first created an indoor vertical grill over a hundred years ago), Ariete has mastered the art and presented it in a stainless steel frame that gives the impression of a commercial kitchen unit that will fit nicely into any connoisseur’s home. Talk about impressing your girlfriend or date when she comes over for a nice home-cooked meal (just make sure she’s not a vegetarian first, otherwise that could be a sticky situation).
Now, many of you are probably saying that steak is meant for the outdoor barbeque and while we won’t disagree with you about that, there’s something to be said for all those northerners out there looking longingly at your grills buried under a foot or more of snow in the winter. We’ve got nothing against keeping traditions alive and firing up those red-hot coals, or propane tanks, in the summer outings, but when you want a nice grilled steak when it’s freezing outside, the Ariete Steakhouse Grill is the way to go.
Bachelors unite! Hey, we don’t always want to lug everything outside to grill our steaks, anyway. Sometimes when it’s just us, we’ve got another choice. Fry it (please don’t) or use the Steakhouse Grill. The special design of this grill allows the excess juices to drain away from the meat, leaving a tastier and healthier steak cooked to perfection in its place. By doing this, you avoid all that annoying smoke and won’t have to entertain the fire department when they show up at your doorstep. If your girlfriend’s around, she might not mind, but you will.
The springs in the Steakhouse unit adapt automatically so that it can handle different cuts of beef and other foods and the vertical position saves space on your countertop. Two independent heating elements combine to cook the steak on both sides at the same time, which allows it to cook twice as fast and leaves you with a steak that is cooked to perfection every time.
It may seem almost unholy to cook a steak in the same manner that you’d burn the Wonderbread, but rest assured, it’s perfectly moral and fine. Once you taste the finished products, pour your A-1 or other barbeque sauce on it, cut into the tender and juicy meat, you’ll realize that even though it looks, and is, nontraditional, doesn’t mean that it isn’t a cut above. For those hard-to-grill moments when it’s pouring outside or a blizzard is raging, you’ll know that while your neighbor is looking desperately at his cold, lonely grill, you’ll be getting ready to dig into your savory grilled T-bone or filet.
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